Saturday, February 15, 2014


     We have two parrots, Pierino a yellow headed amazon, and Azul, an indian ring neck parrot. They both talk but Pierino has the most talent. When he is especially animated he invents his own language using spanish sounding words. 
     The tamale lady passes each day. Two days ago she stopped at the entrance of the hotel and yelled as always "S e ñ o r a",  hoping to get the attention of the maids. No answer. They were occupied. She hollered again 
"B u e n o s  D i a s". Pierino, hidden from her view, answered, "B u e n o s  
D i a s!"  "¿Quiere tamales?", the lady shouted. "N o" , answered Pierino. She left never knowing she was talking to the parrot.   


 Pierino is the reason I call myself Don Peor. For a long time he would call out to me "Don Pierre". Then, after many repetitions Don Pierre metamophosed into Don Peor.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

     The intention of this blog is to talk about this region.  I will write in English mostly sometimes followed by a translation in spanish and I will try to keep it short.  I am however a bigmouth so bear with me at times.

     Nos estamos moviendo hacia la primavera. La temperatura ha cambiado para mejor. Se está volviendo más caliente aún el clima en Tenancingo es el secreto mejor guardado del mundo. La altura sobre el nivel del mar mantiene fresco que permite a una persona a crecer los plátanos, las manzanas y los aguacates.

     We are moving towards spring. The temperature has changed for the better. It's becoming warmer yet the climate in Tenancingo is the best kept secret in the world. The altitude above sea level keeps it cool allowing a person to grow bananas, apples, and avocados.

     Pasamos por la fiesta de la Candelaria, el 6 de febrero. La primavera es también el momento en que los pilgrammages a Chalma comienzan. Hace poco visitamos Chalma y el ahuehuete. Hay fotos de ambos a continuación.

     We passed the fiesta of Candelaria on February 6. Spring is also the time when the pilgrammages to Chalma begin. We recently visited Chalma and the Ahuehuete. There are photos of both below. 

Estoy tratando de prepararse para el pie de Tenancingo a Chalma en la semana de Pascua. Creo que es de unos 19 kilómetros. Espero poder hacerlo este año.

I am trying to prepare for the walk from Tenancingo to Chalma on easter week. I think it is about 19 kilometers. I hope I can make it this year.