Wednesday, November 4, 2015

A Short History of The World

     It's getting cold and I have been thinking a lot about eskimos lately and who came first to the new world. Theories and a confusing web of carbon dates are ever shattering the established beliefs. My mind wandered.
    Eskimos probably lived 10's of thousands of years in the arctic but because the climate was severe and they were survivalists of a sort, they most likely didn't have enough time for invention of,, let's say thermonuclear heating and indirect lighting especially to illuminate those dark desolate winters. Listen to me,, what an ass I am,,, they invented what they needed,, and of course they spent their winter comfy in an igloo or hut eating dried blubber and fucking. It's the inventors with time on their hands that stole ours and their very own free time. They invented things,, like chia pets, and pooper scoopers, and cell phones,, then of course came up with the idea of inventory and marketing,, and of course needing avenues to sell all these things,, they made up George Washington Day sales and finally credit making "everyman like Pierre Dupont" ,,until the end of the month anyway,, and then came Keynesian economics, the big panacea, where supply and demand became two big dials in a government office somewhere,, and all this before we lost neanderthal man. Now all the the populace had to do was to work twenty-five jobs to pay for an ever burgeoning system.  
     About the same time capitalism emerged from the swamp of things time theives invented religion, a direct descendant of magic, to mesmerize the populace with candles and ceremony,, and strange languages,, and the people were easy for they always yearned for the possibility inherent in mystery,, something missing in a world where everything was done for them,,, and then finally they created formal government, based on confusing law only a high priest could interpret, and Keynesian economics to fool the restless into thinking that there was order in the chaos,,, and of course "the few" knew it was just another shovelful of ledgerdemain,, but by then it was too late for Farenheit 451 was already here and they had googled us with our own sonambulant consent until we couldn't breathe anymore. 
     Well that's the world in a nutshell,,, maybe not in order. 

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