Monday, October 10, 2016

Kaiser Schnitzel


      There was a german staying in the hotel. He is I am guessing about 70. He was born in Germany but now lives in Florida. Looks like he has been marooned. His hair is long and gray and curls up slightly where it meets his neck,, as if he might have beem a famous pianist. He is quite lean and has a penchant for lounging about and sleeping in his underwear, without the curtain drawn, the window wide open, and the light on all night. He walks with his head slightly uplifted giving him a certain aire,,, European,,,, aloof,, serious,, cynical given the little we have conversed, inflated and a bit intolerant, (I call him Kaiser Scnitzel). He used to live in Tenancingo 25 years ago. He returned on the breath of a memory,, to relive a past,, of cheap whores,mescal, and few restrictions I imagine. Florida must seem like a straight jacket after a while. He even asked the incredulous nightwatchman to get him a prostitute as if it were common practice back then. He is perpetually displeased,, perhaps disappointed that the memory didn't meet his expectations.
     Living in Tenancingo 25 years ago probably helped to fuel his intolerance, especially with servants. Certain people in Mexico will treat their servants like chattel. I am sure this trait is music to one with the attitude of a conquistador. To him I am both a manager and a servant so I receive mixed treatment. He reminds me of Klaus Kinsky in Aguirre Wrath Of God, but without the helmet. Schnitzel came back to Tenancingo to get his teeth fixed. Dental work here is a fraction of the cost in the States. 

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