Friday, January 25, 2019

The Search for God In Revenge Movies

     Revenge movies are an extremely  popular highly satisfying genre. Whether the revenge is instantaneous or whether there is a slow unfolding drama that ends in the wicked being heinously punished to the delight of everyone these movies leave us pleasingly vindicated.  Whether  a revenge stoked lady in The Red Heroine, a chinese movie, made in 1929, slashes bad guys to realise order or  Steven Segal is tossing blaggards about like a baton twirler,, the good sought in these actions is because of a godless vacuum,,  of course god without the extra o. 
     I think these movies are motivated by the absence of faith. The plots are the result of a world that lacks a just God. The substitution for doubt in a supernatural power,,, that a just omnipotent creator exists,, is a powerful avenger who rights all wrongs. Spiderman, Superman, and Wonder Woman are all invented to fill the gap where god once reigned. He is not enough anymore and society is fed up waiting for him to intervene. An active god is what we want to appear,,, a just god who is not an absent landlord,, someone who is at odds with the wicked,,, yet this is not the case. He continues to allow despicable acts to proliferate negating at every instance his own existence. 

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