Wednesday, February 6, 2019


      We are all in motion,,,often within the same old routes, but because I haven't been in touch with the motions of people I have known for quite some time due to the drastic changes in my living venues I tend to think of them as they were years ago. I am not sure anymore how the movements of those in my former circle relate to my own present fantastical twirl through the space-time continuum. Therefore I harbor a little reticence to communicate,,, not yet prepared for great changes which I resist and the fact that I suspect they are usually changes for the worse. 
     I ask in what direction and upon what path are ya'll from my past walking? Perhaps even now I have wandered too far from my roots to remember who I was. Large lapses in memory or time spent apart from someone or somewhere shouldn't count for much,, because people don't basically change after third grade yet in this new world order where the lowest common denominator rules and prowlers litter the road any surprise is possible,, and a good defense is required. We seem to be emptying our past at an alarming rate at the same time we are refilling the void with new  social kapok. We used to look to the past to illuminate the present. It seems the world rarely uses the past tense,,unless it is used as a tool to ensnare someone,,,now is the collective mood, as is gimme two yesterday, while I deserve this is the group motto. It is in this world that I fear not  enter. Chicken Shit you say,, well maybe,,, selfish,, well that too may apply. 
     I began thinking about this subject when an old friend contacted me. We had so much in common from an ethnicity to a love of the outdoors. We exchanged cautious niceties communicating in an past arena of good memories. I was shocked to discover through a social media that he was immersed up to his the nonsense propaganda of Fox News while worshipping Donald Trump. Did I ever know him or was it that during the long distant silence that separated us we had fallen into other spheres of influence? Perhaps one just findswhat they are looking for all along. 

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