Monday, April 22, 2019

Money is God

    I really don't miss artshows anymore. There is too much new and romantic to discover. I should have left the art circuit years earlier than I did. However I miss sometimes that capability of turning $1000.00 really fast. Money is the closest thing to a real God. I bet you never thought you would hear that from me. Perhaps I should explain. It is a philosophical perception of money,, separate from the love of it. Yes its pursuit can lead one to an empty destiny. Many have tried and wound up with a weightless soul,,However, it posesses the ability to transubstantiate one substance into another,,,paper for food, paper for clothes, paper for land,,,,paper for justice,,,,sometimes,,,and to equalize so much in the world that naturally is not. Little get big,,,black become white, women become men. And all that paper is just an idea,,,it represents faith,,faith that another will have the same faith. Philosophically speaking isn't this a little god-like?

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