Friday, August 2, 2019

A Ray Of Political Hope, Tulsi Gabbard

   This is not a plea but a suggestion as well as an apology because I just may need to eat my previous acerbic political words. Politics is a nauseating business that promises eden but more often delivers hell. Whether you are a coal miner, carpenter, construction worker, teacher, or retiree feeling duped,,,, one who may suspect or even know they have been used by the political establishment,,,, one who truly senses they have been marginalized, one who has stood by and watched while your government has been given over to the golden vaults of the few,,,  there may be a voice that speaks for you. 
      I have never been interested in any candidate for president since 1972 when George McGovern was running on an anti war platform. In fact in my life I have never witnessed the USA at peace with the world. War has been the ever present backdrop to my years. Neither democrat nor republican, my political apathy has been shaped by conflict not because I  need to encounter the perfect political messiah, but only to experience a reasonable someone in this massive veil of political tears. Lately I have been following,, and a democrat no less, Tulsi Gabbard, and I admit my soul has been been stirred. Tulsi Gabbard’s signature stance on non-interventionism makes her the only principled opponent of the American Empire in the 2020 presidential race. She excites those who have been battered by mainstream politicians who care to know nothing about military adventurism and consciously or unconsciously go along with the lies about bringing democracy to Vietnam, Iraq, Iran, Guatemala, Syria, Afghanistan, Granada, Panama, Chile, or Venezuela just to name a few. This non stop militarism is a tired, false, and deadly notion of the United States as the only capable purveyor of democracy. The true aims of these endless wars is to maintain the power of the dollar to circulate out from Washington, then around the globe and back again without impediments, not to mention all those past and present conflicts that hoard coveted resources for billionaires. What these irrational bloody clashes accomplish is the contrary to phony altruism. They foment global hate for the U.S. as they create a incubators for terrorism. Wars destroy cultures. They are responsible for millions of deaths and extensive environmental contamination,,, and the endless consumption of precious money that could be used to improve life in the USA not line the already stuffed pockets of the profiteers. The best way to fight terrorism and improve the lot of much of the world is to not begin foreign wars for bogus reasons in an attempt to overthrow politicians who do not share the U.S. view of what the status quo should be,,,, or to topple dictators in order to replace them with more "corporate friendly despots". Employing this tired politic everyone loses,,, and yet the game continues without question by the political powers. Gabbard makes sense, she has seen war in Afghanistan and the Middle East as a soldier who did two tours of duty,,  and she is not afraid to confront the corporate war machine. She may just be a true patriot.
     I am sure the democratic party will never allow her be the candidate as they will not allow Bernie Sanders as well,, yet nonetheless she deserves recognition and help to stay in the debates and act as counterpoint. The debate "shows" are one act plays on a stage occupied by the great white dope, the designated democratic hitter, Joe Biden. She needs support now more than ever since the ante has been raised. A candidate cannot be in the debates now unless you have 130,000 contributors. At the moment she just barely gets makes the cut. 

     Read about her. It may do you justice.

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