Thursday, June 29, 2017


      "Mosquitoes remind us that we are not so high up on the food chain as we think." To sleep at night even with one of them in the room persistently buzzing is enough to drive one splendidly mad. We hear their nagging approach near our ear and our hand flies out of the covers, always too late, and we bash the side of our head. After taking a variety of punches to the temple we grow weary and we turn on the light to find she has disappeared. 
      In Tenancingo they have been pushing a campaign to empty anything that collects water in order to combat dengue. Usually,, and even in the rainy season, there aren't too many here. Water doesn't form stagnant pools,, even the most torrential rain percolating down down down to who knows where. At any rate since the awareness campaign there are less of the little fuckers than in the past. 
     I remember how many there were in Maine. I remember the screens blanketed by them at night all singing a song of frustrated blood lust.

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