Tuesday, July 4, 2017

The Three M's on the 4th of July

     Several years ago I sold my U.S. van to a guy named Nava,,, nicknamed "The Whale" (Ballena). Nava soon plastered the windows with Harley-Davidson decals and painted flames coming out of the wheel wells. He uses the van as a hotel. Sometimes at night when one passes the street parked vehicle it is jostling back and forth and there are flailing legs visible through the windows. 
     When I was cleaning out the van just before the sale I came across a crumpled oil stained piece of paper that I had hanging the wall of my studio in Maine and then brought to Mexico. Upon this piece of paper were words that I had frantically written down during a phone conversation with Mother. I remember the phone call and the knowledge that she would reveal herself,,, once again.  That paper always reminded me of the erratic paths taken by my mother's mind. She was a poster child for middle america,,, avaricious, prejudiced, ignorant,, and fearful of losing her place,,,, yet she taught me so much employing bad examples.  
     The following was my mother's discursive rant that day recorded on that piece of paper. It went like this:

Follow the three M's baby, Money, Mind, and what's the other................Sex.

Nothing wrong with the Catholic Religion after all he came from a Catholic country, (a referral to Jesus the Jew who came from what is now Israel).

We ought to blast them off the Earth,,,I don't know what God had in mind when he created them,,,they're ugly,,,it's sad, it's sad, I don't know anything. (a referral to blacks from whom we all came if the archaeologists are correct).

To have a T.V. in the house is knowledge. (a reaction to the fact that for the first 15 years of my life after leaving home I did not own a T.V.)

I never saw anybody live like you did. (past tense, I was already dead in her mind)

Your father, he would make a good professional pallbearer. (my father was a very very tolerant man)


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