Monday, April 6, 2015

True Inundations y medio mentiras

We have mosquitoes that carry dengue fever now. We hung a tarp in front of the hotel at the behest of the town to warn everyone of the dangers of dengue. On the tarp there is a picture of a huge mosquito swollen with blood. I think it does to the hotel business what a scatological conversation does to a dinner out.
     One night last august the rivers overflowed their banks during a particularly heavy rain  and flooded an the entire colonia San Mateo. There were bodies hanging from the trees like ugly ornaments.
      I was driving to town on the new turnpike after the rain and I passed the military base. Where their little sewage treatment plant sits by the side of the turnpike there was a river of pure drainage transversing the highway.  My window was open and a taxi coming in the other direction hit the water which sprayed into the cab of my truck. Of course I had a mouthful of soldier's turds. I am sure I will come down with cholera and typhoid in a few days. 
     I paid some narcos to kidnap my wife but they kidnapped me instead. She wouldn't pay the ransom of $1767.56 pesos so I traded my pickup for my freedom. Now I am without wheels. 
     I sleep on a cheap cot since I was kicked out of the house and now I have chronic back pain. I cannot pay for treatment because I am so broke that I can't even pay attention. 
     I have nothing to say and I am saying it. 
     A Little Joke: A Chicken and an egg are lying in bed. The chicken is smoking a cigarette with a satisfied smile on its face and the egg is frowning and looking put out. The egg mutters to no one in particular, "I guess we answered that question." 

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